Frequently Asked Questions

Every once a while I get those comments asking me about my art and how I go about making it. I usually put off responding to it till I eventually forget about them. This page is dedicated for that, so I don't have to answer individually.

What's Your Overall Process?

  1. Sketch and ink traditionally. Take a picture of it through my phone.
  2. Import to an editing software. Then use threshold to limit the colors.
  3. Select and delete the white portions of the drawing.
  4. Import it to Krita
  5. Roughly plot colors in a single layer. Add a layer to refine specific areas.
  6. Pray that filters will fix whatever mess I made.
  7. Wonder why I even bother trying.
  8. Sloppily finish everything.
  9. Done!

Now just repeat this entire process till you lose your mind :D

What do you use to draw?

I don't really use anything fancy and you don't have to either. Just continue using whatever you're comfortable with and/or is accessible to you. No point in getting expensive materials if you don't put them to use.


  • Bond Paper - I stitch them into notebooks
  • Unipin Fine Line - Usually between 0.6 to 0.4
  • Faber castell Ballpoint Pen


  • Huion Inspiroy RTS-300
  • Huawei MateBook D 15


  • Adobe Photoshop 2020
  • Krita

How do you choose your colors?

Ignore hue and focus on contrast. Use saturation to drag a viewers eye to specific places. Look at other people's drawings and analyze the relationship between colors relative to the piece as a whole.

Aside from that I genuinely don't know what I'm doing. I just put random bullshit and hope it works. Good luck!

Still need help?

Comment down your questions and I'll try to respond to them.