April 04, 2024

I was showing my sketchbook off to some classmates. For some reason majority of the artwork weren't mine or, at the very least, I wasn't sure if they were. It was kinda awkward trying to that explain that to them.

After awhile I open up an art thread from an anonymous site, which was in Spanish, so that I could draw out someone's ocs. One of my classmates remarked at how sweet of me to do that, but then I flat out told them I was just doing it to poke fun of their oc.

On the next day and I arrived back to school, all my classmates were gathered outside. They were making a camp fire to cook food. I think we're starting a party so we wouldn't have to do the reporting today.

April 06, 2024

I was working on my crochet Tetris blanket when I got impatient and decided to start stitching my granny squares together. For some reason I wasn't following the pattern I intially planned out. Instead I arranged each row with a checkered rainbow pattern.

While I was doing this my older sister was there. We were having a lighthearted and fun conversation. It was in that moment I realized I was dreaming.

April 8, 2024

It was midnight and just before I went to sleep my mom gave me a laptop for my birthday. Despite being new the laptop had an 2000s-esque design. It was metallic grey and had a bezel that ate up most of the screen. The keyboard had compressed vertical keys and the touchpad was hallow. Fairly certain there was even a sticker at the bottom left that stated it only had 3gb of ram.

Regardless, the prospect of setting it up got me too excited to fall asleep. I booted it up and oddly enough my files from my previous laptop were already in there.

April 18, 2024

We were at my grandma's house eating food served my someone who is most definitely not my grandma. The vibe was really awkward especially since my younger sister nonchalantly said something my older sister did not like. My older sister was visibly getting annoyed as my younger sister began justifying the reason why she said it. After dinner I turned around and my mom was setting up those slides you'd see in a pool, except it was a "portable" one and was those compressible tubes thingies. Me and my younger sibling slide down it a few times then I told them I had to go to an interview.

I went out to the garden and saw a 40-ish year-old woman. Her dyed blond hair was clipped on as an upward ponytail. We talked about what I wanted to be in the future, which ultimately lead to nowhere, so she started recommending me random professions.

April 18, 2024

I rushed up to the school's roof top, where our class was being held. Once I got there, they told me I go to the gym to participate in some group art contest. When I got there everyone else was really busy and I wasn't sure how to help. I just stood there looking like a moron.

April 30, 2024

It was the day before exam. Since I was getting complacent, I didn't bother studying. I woke up early and went to this gigantic closed off church. It had greek-esque architecture with an eerie lighting. There were pop up shops and a big stage.

I went to a cosmetic booth and began looking for Pokémon cards. One box was hidden away in the corner. I excitedly open it and took a quick glance at the first card, it looked legit at the time, so I stuffed it into a bag I was carrying and paid for it. I went around looking for more but eventually I got sidetracked and met up with my friends behind the big stage.

There were currently multiple female dancers wearing long white dresses on stage. Some of them we're wearing creepy weaved masks. The eye holes had some red paint around it. The performance is, I assumed to be, an important traditional dance.

One of my friends told me they felt bad because one of the dancers they were aquatinted with was supposed to perform without the mask on, but an accident happened.

I bring out the cards out of the bag to show it off to them but I as I was flipping through the cards, I had the unfortunate of finding out they were not legit Pokémon cards. In fact, they were not even based on Pokémon at all and had weird uncanny photoshop stock images. I felt like such a moron for not double checking.