What's Updog??

Who could of predicted this

Yeaaaahhhhhhhh, redid the website mostly from scratch. I've also decided that this website will exclusive be for my comics and webblog now.

What is Stupied Stuff?

Best place to watch my dwindling mental state. It's a place to convenient put my comics and random thoughts in. Kinda my piss poor attempt of lessening my social media usage by wasting time coding stuff. I think it's mostly working lol.

This website is developed by a singular dog! There may be some bugs and empty pages.

Trigger Warning!

There might be bad-words, artworks that features gore and violence, and mildly suggestive content. Consider this your first and only warning.

Other Stuff

Raffidelle | Tilly | Literal Hat | Turbo | Dungeon | Unfamiliar

Literally non of these have anything yet lol.

Recent Blogs

Other neat sites!